Museum on the Move Pre-Visit Checklist

We're excited to come visit your school! Help us have a great day with your students by following these steps for success.

The week before your visit:

  • Share the visit itinerary from your confirmation or reminder emails with the entire 4th grade team and the front office.
  • Practice making observations and constructing explanations with your students by following along with our Science and Engineering Practices videos
  • Do any of your students require additional help or translation? Please arrange for this ahead of time.

The day of our visit:

  • Let the front office know to expect our NHMU educator(s) 15-20 minutes before the scheduled start time, and where to send them.
  • If there are any changes to the schedule on the day of the visit, please let us know before we start so we can adjust accordingly.

In your classroom:

  • We typically rotate through each 4th grade classroom, so it's a huge help to have your classroom ready to go before our start time!
  • Set up five stations for students to rotate through. These can be made by pushing desks together or using tables. Clear these stations of all other objects.
  • Each student will need a pencil and somewhere to write (science notebook, scratch paper, etc) for recording their observations.
  • If you feel like your students would benefit from a structured worksheet, you are welcome to print copies of our guided notes sheet. Five copies per student, please!
Students collaborate at  Museum on the Move station


During class:

A student's observations on paper
  • Your participation is expected, valued, and necesary!
  • Be engaged with students during the visit.
  • Help students with microscopes (Utah's Plants and Animals or Great Salt Lake topics).
  • Encourage observations.
  • Keep students on task and manage student behavior. We don't know your students as well as you do!